All donations are 501(c)(3) Tax Deductible
GAPABA LAW FOUNDATION EARMARKED DONATIONS The GAPABA Law Foundation created the Hemanth Digumarthi Public Interest Scholarship to provide a source of funding for law students who accept summer internships with organizations that advance public interest causes including pro bono legal clinics, non-profit organizations, state and federal agencies, and judicial clerkships. In May 2017, the GAPABA Law Foundation established the inaugural Trinh Huynh Fellowship to commemorate the legacy of one of GAPABA's most ardent community activists and former Board Member. With the generous support of Alston & Bird, The Coca-Cola Company and UPS, the initial fellowship was awarded in partnership with Asian Americans Advancing Justice - Atlanta. The fellowship focuses on impact litigation in the public interest arena that benefits Georgia's Asian American communities. Please help us continue Trinh's important work and legacy by donating to her Fellowship Fund. In February 2018, the NAPABA Law Foundation established the Han C. Choi Scholarship to honor his legacy. Han was a NAPABA Trailblazer, a GAPABA Past President, mentor and leader, whose character embodied grit and courage in the face of great adversity. The Scholarship Fund benefits a 1 or 2L law student who exhibits academic excellence, leadership, a volunteering spirit, dedication to a mentor/mentee relationship, and demonstrates an interest in AAPI civic issues. Special consideration is given to applicants who have been adversely affected by cancer (as a survivor, or a family member of a victim or survivor). Qualified law students who are interested in applying for the Scholarship should apply directly with the NAPABA Law Foundation HERE. | GAPABA LAW FOUNDATION UNRESTRICTED DONATIONS If you prefer by pay by CHECK, please make it payable to the "GAPABA Law Foundation" and mail to: GAPABA c/o Accounting Resources 193 Flat Creek Trail Fayetteville, GA 30214 Email to confirm receipt: Staff@acctresources.com Tel. 770-632-5562 Please indicate on the Check memo line the purpose of your donation:
For all other payment inquiries (online and other invoices), please contact our Treasurer: Shawn S. Chang | Finnegan GAPABA Treasurer Email: Treasurer@gapaba.org No pictures to show |